utorak, 22. lipnja 2021.

Poništavanja crne magije i zaštita

1. Ako se napiše 102.ajet sure Bakara u unutrašnjosti bakrenog lonca, treba ga isprati vodom i njome poprskati po kući. Tada će učinak magije nestati i sihiri neće uticati ni na koga u ovoj kući.

2. Ako se u kući ili prodavnici pronađe krv koju je neko prskao po zidu ili podu, potrebno je donijeti vode iz rijeke ili potoka u glinenom loncu. Onda se crnim mastilom napiše ovaj vefk i potopi u tu vodu s kojom zatim trebate poprskati sve uglove po kući ili radnji. Svi učinci te krvave magije biće poništeni.

3. Zagrabite svježe vode iz bunara u potpuno suhom loncu (koji nije mokar) i na list papira napišite ovaj vefk. Zatim ga potopite u tu vode, sačekajte pola sata, a onda je pospite po svim uglovima kuće. Inšallah, bit ćete spašeni od zla, džina i crne magije.

4. Napišite ovaj vefk, premotajte u oblik trougla, oblijepite selotejpom i nosite uza se. Nijedna magija koju neko pokuša baciti na vas neće imati efekta. Ovaj vefk pripada suri Ta Ha.

Prije pisanja bilo kojeg vefka podijelite slatkiše djeci po ulici, bar trideset bombona ili sedam čokoladi. Najbolje nekoj siročadi ili djeci koja se vraćaju kući iz mekteba. 

četvrtak, 17. lipnja 2021.

Da bi lice bilo lijepo i atraktivno

Kod nekih ljudi je lice neprivlačno, unatoč tome što nema nedostataka, pa je ova situacija, posebno za mladu osobu, ponekad vrlo bolna. Ukoliko se ona zbog toga neprestano ignorira, postaje žrtva niskog samopouzdanja i kompleksa inferiornosti. 

Kako bi se tome stalo na kraj sa  finim crnim mastilom treba na   bijelom papiru napisati ovaj zapis. U zapis treba gledati deset ili petnaest minuta dnevno, na udaljenost od tri do četiri metra, prije noći. 

četvrtak, 10. lipnja 2021.

Zapis za smirenje svađe

 Ovaj zapis treba biti napisan u nedjelju, u satu Sunca, ili u četvrtak u satu Jupitera. Također se piše prvog dana arapskog/lunarnog mjeseca sa mastilom od mošusa, šafrana i ružinom vodom na koži jelena ili na bijelom papiru. Nakon što se napiše u petak večer treba izgovoriti stotinu salavata na božjeg Poslanika i proučiti Fatihu pred njegovu dušu.

Ukoliko se dvije osobe stalno svađaju ili tuku zapis treba uroniti u vodu i sa njome poprskati njihovu odjeću. Vrlo brzo će između njih zavladati mir. 

srijeda, 9. lipnja 2021.

Kako se pišu ljubavni zapisi?

 Postojanje svakog čovjeka sastoji se od četiri osnovna elementa u prirodi:

1) vatra 

2) zemlja

3) zrak

4) voda

1- Čovjek čija je priroda vatrena uvijek se brzo naljuti i odljuti te ga ne drži zlo u srcu, a tijelo mu je često vruće i žedno. 

2- Čovjek nad kojim vlada element zemlja skroman je, tih i usporen te nastoji da živi sa drugima pošteno i uz poštovanje. 

3- Čovjek zračnog elementa arogantan je i temperamentan a svoje namjere izvodi skriveno od očiju drugih. Vrlo je pronicljiv i zloban.

4- Čovjek pod uticajem elementa voda je uvijek sretan i zadovoljan i u njemu se pojavljuju gore tri opisane prirode. Često ga muče ruke i jezik.

Slaganje znakova i elemenata 

Da bi se pravilno napisao zapis za neku osobu mora se odrediti njen karakter/element te se voditi datim uputama. Na taj način se pojačava učinak samog zapisa.

A da bismo odredili čovjekov temperament, prvo moramo znati datum rođenja na temelju čega pronalazimo astrološki znak kojem pripada. 

Ovan, Lav i Strijelac: vatra i spol muški.

Bik, Djevica i Jarac: zemlja i spol  ženski. 

Blizanci, Vaga i Vodenjak: zrak i spol muški. 

Rak, Škorpion, Ribe: voda i spol muški. 

Ako su recimo muškarac i žena (ljubavni par) oboje u nekom od muški znakova to nije dobro za njih jer nisu kompatibilni. No, ako je jedno muško, a drugo ženski znak, nema sumnje da će zapis ljubavi biti djelotvoran. 

U koje vrijeme se piše zapis? 

Ako je nečija priroda vatrena, zapis ljubavi treba napisati u subotu ili nedjelju. 

Ako je priroda zemljana, zapis ljubavi treba napisati u subotu ili utorak.

 Ako je nečija priroda zračna, zapis ljubavi treba napisati u srijedu ili u subotu. 

Ako je nečija priroda vodena onda se zapis za ljubav piše u subotu.

Šta se radi sa ljubavnim zapisom? 

Ako je element vatra zapis se zapali. 

Ako je element zrak zapis se objesi na granu stabla koje daje slatke plodove. 

Ako je element voda zapis se baci u potok ili rijeku ili zakopa pored vode. 

Ako je element zemlja zapis se zakopa u zemlju. 

Za ljubav muža i žene

 Kako bi se supružnici voljeli i da im ljubav samo raste treba napisati ovaj zapis na 4 lista, premotati ih u oblik trougla, te svaki zapis staviti u malu praznu bocu i čvrsto zatvoriti. Onda te 4 boce (zapisa) zakopati na četiri ćoška kuće. Pisati novom zelenom hemijskom olovkom koja nije prije toga korištena. 

utorak, 8. lipnja 2021.

Simptomi crne magije


Ako uočite ove znakove unutar sebe i oko sebe, to znači da ste žrtva crne magije:

*Kada dođe do magijskog napada, naše se tijelo tome opire. Zbog toga srce brže kuca. Puls je uvijek brz. 

*Ako se na vas usmjerila crna magija, tada se počinjete osjećati slabo u umu i mozgu. Brzina disanja se povećava. 

*Dok spavate noću, sanjate užasne snove i osjećate se prestrašeno. 

*Ljudi pogođeni crnom magijom postaju usamljeni, nokti ili bar jedan nokat poprimaju tamnu boju te su stalno napeti odnosno ljuti. 

*Omađijana osoba često ne osjeća glad i žeđ, oči joj znaju biti crvene, i  većina ih je bolesna. No niti jedan  liječnik ne može dokučiti koja je njihova dijagnoza tojest bolest.

*Ukoliko u kući postoji ukrasno bilje, posebno ono za koje se vjeruje da čuva dom ili privlači sreću i novac, ono će se naglo osušiti ili istruhnuti. 

*Iznenadni gubitak posla, nesanica, osjećaj težine u području srca. 


Poznato je da su osobe čiji su ascendent i Sunce slabi, jako podložne djelovanju odnosno učinku crne magije a rizik od magijskog napada povećava se na dan pomrčine Sunca, pošto tada dolazi do promjene horoskopskih znakova. 

Detaljnom analizom nečijeg horoskopa, odnosno posebne kombinacije planeta, moguće je detektirati djelovanje mračne sile na čovjeka. 

Naime, ukoliko su Sunce, Mjesec, Saturn i Mars pogođeni Mjesečev im čvorovima u određenim kućama u horoskopu, tada bez svake sumnje postoji učinak crne magije. 

ponedjeljak, 7. lipnja 2021.

Da se zaustavi protivljenje familije

Ako se roditelji momka ili djevojke protive braku onda se ovaj zapis piše na zelenom listu papira prve nedjelje u lunarnom mjesecu, u satu Sunca, pa se zapali a prah pospe pred njihova vrata. Nakon toga prestaće se protiviti braku. 

subota, 5. lipnja 2021.

Magical beliefs from Palestine

Gaza became the largest concentration camp in the history of mankind which lasts for over 40 years. With the world watching, Israel expelled millions of Palestinians from their homes, continuing their Nazi policy and killing innocent people without regard whether it is a small child, a woman or an old man. For them the Palestinians are a people that need to perish and without a doubt in that regard they are copying Hitler and Nazi Germany- anyone who watches the news will notice that Israel usually kills ten Palestinians, with no regards of the gender or age, for every solider they lose.

It is ironical that the people who are presenting themselves as victims of the holocaust are committing the same atrocities over the Palestinian people. The once "holly land" is everything but holly, today it is a land filled with blood of the worst crimes and everyday killings. The Israelites are no longer a people who experience genocide but a people who commit genocide.

But no matter what Palestine is still alive and breathing. We need to write and talk about Palestine and its people and we should never let the memory of Palestine fade from existence.

The Palestine people as well as the rest of the Arab world have a rich store of folklore and beliefs. The most famous beliefs relate to spellbound eyes and their detrimental effect on people, especially children. According to the beliefs in Palestine, if a child falls ill suddenly after a visit from guest and starts crying for no reason and starts to reject food, it is then believed that it had fallen prey to the guest's spellbound eyes.

The ritual of annulling spellbound eyes is usually done by the mother or some old lady surrounded by a couple of curious women that are anxiously observing the ritual.

To neutralize foreign evil the mother needs to take three fingers of flour and salt, that need to be clean for this occasion, and repeat the following magical formula: "Bism el-ain, bismi en-nadra, bism el-hasud".  And then throw the salt and flour in a metal container filled with hot coals adding to that mixture some dust from four rooms, seven grains of barley, a piece of Alum, and then she takes one hair from all the present inhabitants of the house ("min atarha").  If one knows for sure who has spellbound the child, then it is only necessary to take a piece of thread from that person. To the hot coal a couple of seeds of incense are added and one needs to wait for the thick fog to form in which the child will be bathed while pronouncing the magical formula. While holding the metal container (bassat nar) the woman that is conducting the ritual circles around the child saying: "Smallah alek! Hawattak ballah udachiltak lallah......

The magical formula is repeated three times and then the woman dips her hands into a prepared vessel full of water and shaking it off in the direction of the fire she pronounces: " Ih! Intefi  ja uwene bin nuwere! En-nar lamakanha  wel-ain Allah la 'anha". If squeaking sounds are heard coming from the fire, that is deemed as a good sign- the effect of spellbound eyes is disappearing. Animated by what she hears the woman continues with the pronunciation of another magical formula to neutralize the evil: "Takhat, sahat . Ain el-adu rahat kusch! El-ebid".

But if the effect is not forthcoming then the present women whisper and conclude that the spellbound eyes have resisted the power of the fire. Because of this revelation everyone is  awaiting for the fire to burn down and for all the ingredients to melt and for it to cool down and form some kind of a figure, mostly human or animal, which the old lady then tries to decipher. As soon as the object is analyzed and it is determined who caused the child to be spellbound, the evil starts to lose its power.

 A detrimental item for spellbound eyes is garlic, as is believed in Palestine, whose smell keeps away most evil from human beings.

Bosnian Coffee Fortune Telling

 The desire to foretell the future is as old as mankind itself. The fear of the unknown and generally, man's need to influence fate has led to various forms of fortunetelling which served to foretell the outcome of some disease, to find a thief, to find out the sex of the baby, to find out whether the year will be fruitful, to find out if a couple will get married, etc.

According to the beliefs in Bosnia the ideal day for fortunetelling, especially with the help of beans or coffee, is Tuesday. This is because it is believed that Tuesday is the day of magic when each spell has a stronger effect and each fortunetelling is more accurate.

To foretell the future using coffee, it is necessary to fulfil a few simple conditions. First, the coffee cannot be express coffee but "Bosnian coffee" so that the cup will contain a lot of sediment. The coffee should be drank hot and without sugar.

When the coffee is finished, the person that wants its future foretold, places some money under the saucer and spins the cup three times clockwise and covers it with the saucer. After that one places his/her index finger from his/her right hand on the cup and in his/her mind he/she must make a wish or think about a specific person. The side of the cup from which the client drank is considered to be a representation of him, whilst the opposite side is considered to represent a person of the opposite sex. The bottom of the cup is a symbol of a home and all the symbols that are found on that part signify events inside the family.

Before the fortune teller starts, he/she first checks the situation of the entire cup. If the space around the handle of the cup is empty and without any sediment, it is believed that the person is unhappy in love affairs or is in a bad financial situation.

If the bottom of the cup is filled with sediment that signifies a period of prosperity while an empty bottom signifies a bad financial situation, a departure or a trip.

 Bosnian fortune tellers pay specific attention to interpretation of individual symbols and they connect them with other symbols in their vicinity. Of course, there are some other important symbols that every fortune teller pays specific attention to. If there happens to be three identical symbols inside the cup, then that signifies great pleasure...

The following represents some interpretations that Bosnian fortune tellers use during their fortune telling using coffee:

Angel- joy, a wish coming true

Aeroplane- mail, news

Car- happiness

Bull- wealth, money

Old woman- sorrow, sickness

Numbers: 1- decision, 2-sickness, 3-date, 4-you must be patient, 5-worry...

Flowers: you are in an advantageous period

Pigeon: mail, news

Lizard: change, new beginning

Piano: you will receive an important message

Umbrella- you will meet an old love partner

Wolf: tears and sorrow because of jealousy

Moon: feast, a wish will come true

Bear: sickness

Mouse: beware of a theft

Knife: an end of a relationship or marriage

Eagle: an advantageous change or move

Frog: you will be a victim of someone's scheme and intrigue

Dots: large dots in the cup always symbolise favourable news. Large dot on the bottom of the cup: pregnancy in the family

Pregnant woman: monetary gain, present

Horse: a victory in court or in sports

Chicken:  others are slandering you

Pyramid: trouble with a court or the law

Dog: stable relationship or marriage, loyal friend

Ring: marriage

Heron: pregnancy

Fish: worry, disease

Letters: A-new beginning or a new job, T- stress, F-love...

Heart: the best symbol in love fortune telling. This is a sign of love. If the heart symbol is white then it signifies true feelings

Deer: an important conversation with your partner

Cat: a black cat is a symbol of hatred, someone doesn't like you. A white cat warns you to be careful with blandishment and mellifluous words

Bird: a symbol for news

Parrot: you will meet a person who speaks two languages or is a stranger

Spider: be careful of your pride and stubbornness

Rifle or a gun: stress, anger

Dragon: you are prone to saving and keeping money

Snake: enemy, adversary in love

Rabbit: you are having problems sleeping

Squirrel: lack of confidence or bravery

Cross: argument, fight

Fox: be careful or lies and hoaxes

Glasses: you will meet a new person...

At the end of every fortune telling the client presses his finger on the bottom of the cup and makes a wish so that the fortune teller can see if it will come true. The sediment that remains on the finger of a female client is placed under her tongue so that her man says her name often and that he thinks about her often.

Fortune telling for marriage: When a girl comes to someone's house for coffee for the first time, she needs to steal a lump of sugar in a manner that no one notices it, and then when she goes to sleep she should place that lump under her pillow. That night she will have a dream about the man that she will marry. 

Bosnian hamajlija

 In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is a long tradition of wearing amulets, which are called “hamajlija” (talisman). They are shorter or longer texts from the Quran written on a piece of paper where a picture of a magic square is present (wafk) and at the end of the text the name of the owner is written. Talismans were worn for various reasons such as the protection from sickness and as a cure but mostly because they provide immunity to the wearer.

When someone wants to get an amulet they go to a Hodja (Mullah) who uses the system of Arabic astrology and numerology, also known as “Abjad hisab”, and turns the name of that person along with the name of his mother into their numerical equivalents and divides it by the number 12. When he receives the final number he then writes the corresponding text. Every amulet begins with the words: “Bismilahir rahmanir rahim” and continues with some prayer, usually it is the first verse of the Quran, El-Fatiha. The constituent part of any good amulet is the magical square or wafk whose content is made up of a sequence of numbers, Allah’s names or short quotations from the Quran. In Velika Kladuša an amulet is written for nine days before the appearance of the new moon. When the whole text is completed the paper is folded into a shape of a triangle and sown in a red fabric. Beforehand a leaf of nacre (Ruta graveoles) or a piece of  yew (Taxus bacuta) or three beans of coffee are placed inside the amulet. In the past the amulet was encased in metal and sown inside of a rabbits skin.

It is interesting to mention that the amulet has a fascinating effect on the wearer. If the wearer is under the influence of black magic, soon after he has started wearing the amulet around his neck a harmful sensation will befall him, for example chest pain, nightmare, etc. That is a positive sign that evil has been neutralized. Also this is the crucial moment when the amulet and the wearer have bonded.

Amulets were mostly worn by children, according to the ethnological data collected during the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of Bosnian children wore an amulet sown on the top of their fez, shaped like a triangle and sown inside a red fabric, so that it can protect them from spellbound eyes o which children are most susceptible to. In such an amulet a standard prayer that was written in it was a prayer from the Quran called Ali’Imran, using an ink made out of rose water mixed with musk and saffron. Amulets were also worn by pregnant women so that they can be protected from spellbound eyes and to prevent a possible loss of the offspring. Besides this a red sting was tied around children’s arms or a small shell was sown on their hats to annul every influence of spellbound eyes. A classical amulet was often worn in a triangular metal box which is called “Mahfaza” whose shape also had a symbolical meaning. Namely, each side of the triangle symbolized a verse from the Quran: “I am God, there is no God but me”, “No one truly knows what I am.”  In Bosnia and Herzegovina since the old ages amulets connected to war are also known, they are called “En’am”, named after the same prayer in the Quran, these amulets were worn by soldiers going to war.

Besides written amulets in Bosnia we find various objects- amulets; a wolf’s tooth was worn by feeble and scared children, a figurine of a frog made out of silver were worn by women who wanted to be protected against gynecological issues or they wore a silver plate on which it was written “Mashallah”. Out of herbal amulets, garlic, leaf of rue or a piece of yew were used, and from the animal amulets, thorns from a hedgehog, a rabbits foot, a wing from a bat, etc. Besides the need to protect himself from evil, man also wanted to protect his animals. For protection purposes a red fabric was tied to a tail of a cow, a wooden spoon was used for horses, or a small amulet was written and placed on the horns of the animal.

Besides people and animals, material goods were also protected from evil. In the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina a lot of attention was given to the protection of the house from black magic and spellbound eyes, to keep peace and happiness inside the house. Along time ago the practice was to write Allah’s name “Ya Hafiz”, which means “God Protector”, on the house doors, especially in Sarajevo. The name was written in Arabic in golden letters on a dark background. The amulet doesn’t only have the power to protect a human or a house from black magic, its scope of action is much larger and it can, among other things, protect its owner from negative propaganda and crooks. For that reason an owner would write the following on his house: “I said, and swore to Allah that I will do X.” After that he would take four pieces of paper and write on each one of them, one name of the four great Angels: Azrail, Jibrail, Israfil and Mikail and he would place these papers in four corners of the house.

In Bosnia we encounter various beliefs about amulets, and these are the most popular ones;  it is believed that an amulet can lose its protective power if it is punctured by a sowing needle. In the same manner the amulet has no power of protection if its owner drinks or eats a spell in his drink or food, it protects man only from external influences, whether they be material or astral origin.    

Bind spell

  If you want to prevent a husband infidelity then one needs to take a piece of white string and tie 7 knots on it. While tying the knots the under mentioned oath is repeated 7 times. The string with the knots is then placed in an empty bottle, closed and thrown into the sea. Note: to bind a man’s sex power the spell is done during the hour of Mercury or the Moon. At the end of the oath you must indicate your husband’s name and your name in the following manner: “Kezalike yemute zakeri X(the name of your husband) an ferji Y(your name).”


Without communicating to the Jinn that is the spiritual world, there is no successful magic. Every talisman is only a paper with words and drawings if we do not summon the Jinn. Therefore, every instruction and every recipe have no function without the use of Jinn names and oaths. We could compare it to a car and gasoline- as long as there is no gasoline in the car it won’t be able to move. The same principle holds true for magical practice. There are various ways to come into contact with the Jinn, most of which are very dangerous for the magic novices. Therefore we have chosen an easier method.

During 40 days, each day, one needs to repeat the oath, that will be mentioned later, 172 times. Immediately after that, 42nd day, you can summon the Jinn and they will respond. Since you are a novice in this part of magical education it is not recommended to come into closer contact with the Jinn so that they can materialize or reveal themselves to you, this is risky for amateurs, it is enough to have their support while you are chanting the love oaths. There is a chance that your love rituals will not be successful in the beginning that is, it can happen that the Jinn will not listen to your wishes which is very characteristic of them since the element from which they are created is fire, and it is very hard to subdue, but that shouldn’t discourage you. Show persistence and keep to the given guidelines, that is repeat a couple of times the love ritual that you have chosen. The Jinn will bow to your command in a short time. After they have become obedient you need to repeat the oath 7 times each day to remain connected to them. A time for repeating the oaths is not determined, but of course it is suitable to do it during the night. On that day when you stop repeating the oaths you will lose your spiritual link with them and you won’t have any magical powers.

petak, 4. lipnja 2021.

Love magic

 The most popular magic is of course the one that is called red magic or love magic. It is used today by millions of people to improve their love life, to win back their partner, to evoke feelings in somebody or to just become more attractive.  But love magic is not just a target of interest of anonymous people, it has been used by many past celebrities like Jacqueline Bouvier the widow of Kennedy and Onassis who had three witches that helped her, one was in New York, the other in Athens and the third one in Paris. Other celebrities were also seeking the help of those who knew how to create love magic, namely Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Frank Sinatra, Robert Redford, Sean Connery, Catherine Deneuve, Rita Hayworth, Petula Clark, Brigit Bardot, Merlin Monroe etc. Naturally, today the need for the occult is even more pronounced in celebrities, a desire to be famous, rich, protected, loved or to know ones future transformed magic into a large industry that has a yearly turnover of one million Euros. In the world today the three most famous magic's are: Arabian, Gipsy and Voodoo which have a lot of similarities but also a lot of differences. They all have in common the immense ritualistic strength as well as the ability to annul themselves with humans. In the following passages we will show the easiest way to master love magic from the Arabian occult tradition and how to use it to keep your partner, better the relations in marriage, seduce a person that you fancy, disable cheating in marriage, etc.

The whole system of love magic that comes from the Arabian lands is based on the practice of building talismans, amulets, binding knots and summoning Jinn's. The source of this magical practice derives from ancient Egypt which is still considered as the cradle of magic. The Egyptian magic is regarded as the most powerful magic, this is understood from the numerous writings and records about miraculous events in the courts of the pharaoh as well as the fascinating rituals that were done by the priests of this land. An important contribution to magic and its perusal we owe to ancient Persia (Iran) and their priests known as Magi from which the word magic and magician is derived, one who practices magic.

Arabian love magic is done by tracking the lunar system or the Arabian months that is the time when the new moon is visible. All love magic is done during particular days in a week and at that time when it is most suitable. If this rule is not observed there will be no results. The old Arabian occultists claim that the most successful magic is done during the first days of Arabian months, before sunrise, on some high point or some hill. Also it is necessary to know that the hours of Jupiter, Sun and Venus are assigned for every kind of love magic. All other planets and their hours should be avoided if one wishes to see results.

It is also very important to know some astrological rules by which zodiac signs and their planets are matched. Namely, as love magic and all magic in general is subject to the influence of the planets all those who wish to see results must obey the given instructions. If the planets and the astrological signs are in friendly relations then the talisman or the spell must be done in an exact day and an exact hour of the given planet. However, if the planets and the signs are in a malignant position towards one another, then one should drop his wish. This means that magic cannot be made for everyone and therefore it cannot work on everyone. Something similar exists in Bosnian magic. When a witch wants to create love magic that is to bring together two persons, she first needs to find out if this is possible by divination. After she has taken a large branch of hawthorn (Crataegus Oxyacantha) she then splits it into three parts of equal length. Then she waits for the fire in the fire place to tone down and then she places one branch upright into the ember which she names as the person she wishes to put her spell upon. The next branch she places right next to the first one, on its left side, in the hot ember 5 inches apart and names it as the person for whom she is creating the spell, and the third branch she places on the right side of the first one with the same distance apart but she doesn't name it. Then she watches to see what will happen. If the branch, the one she named as the person for whom she is creating the magic, falls as it is burning in the middle (named as the person she wishes to put her spell upon) then she is certain that her magic will succeed. However, if it happens that the un-named branch falls in the middle then it is clear that the magic will have no effect.

Friends are: Saturn and Mars, Jupiter and Moon, Mars and Venus, Sun and Mercury, Venus and Moon, Mercury and Venus, Moon and Jupiter.

Enemies are: Saturn and Sun, Jupiter and Venus, Mars and Mercury, Sun and Moon, Venus and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, Moon and Mars

Friends are: Aries and Gemini, Taurus and Cancer, Gemini and Leo, Cancer and Taurus, Leo and Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio, Libra and Sagittarius, Scorpio and Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius, Capricorn and Fish, Aquarius and Aries, Fish and Taurus.

Enemies are: Aries and Cancer, Taurus and Leo, Gemini and Fish, Cancer and Aries, Leo and Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn, Scorpio and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Fish, Capricorn and Aries, Aquarius and Scorpio, Fish and Gemini.

Magic doesn't require a lot of work. While making magic or talisman one needs to take care to isolate himself from other people, the room in which you are working must be filled with the smell of olibanum or some other pleasant smell like cinnamon which is used mostly in love magic. If the ritual doesn't require otherwise, the one who is practicing magic needs to be turned towards east. The pen that will be used to write the talisman must be made out of bamboo or cane, sharpened on one side, a regular pen can be used but it needs to be prepared in a special way. One buys a new pen and buries it 8 inches in the ground. Then one stands above that place and says the following lines a 1000 times: "So they shall be thrown down into it, they and the erring ones, and the hosts of the Shaitan, all" (The Poets, verse:94-95). Then it is taken out of the ground.      

The ink needs to be prepared at dawn before the sunrise. For that occasion one must be freshly bathed and clothed in clean clothes. In a small cup with water which boiled beforehand for a couple of minutes, one places a handful of rose petals, an extract of saffron (Crocus Sativus) and a few drops of musk (Moschus Moschiferus). The mixture is stirred until one gets a mixture that smells pleasantly. Then the cup is taken away from the fire and it is filtered and in the end a few drops of deer blood are added to give the mixture its red color, if one doesn't have any deer blood some red color will do. When the ink is completely cooled it is poured in a porcelain bottle over which one must say El-Fatiha seven times, the first five verses of the Surat Bekara, seven times Surat Al-Kursi and Surat Ikhlas. With that the ritual of preparing the ink is finished.    


Generally the term Sihr describes a range of terms which are known to us as magic, including various methods of oracles, the use of different objects and signs, medicinal plants, assembling spells, manufacturing talismans and notations, and communicating with supernatural forces. During the long history of magic which begins in the drab of mankind we find depicted walls of the caves in Altamira, Spain, where the primitive man drew figures of punctured wild animals wanting to influence that way his hunting skills and to strengthen his hunting capabilities. In paganism, the first form of religion, magic played a central role and by virtue of it and through spells performing magic rituals the priests and priestesses addressed the gods and spirits of nature. Later with the advent of monotheism, the history of magic continues with the stories about Adam and his daughter Anak, then Solomon or the Persian ruler of magic and the world of King Jamshid all the way to Iblis and his daughter Baidah, the angels Harut and Marut, etc.

Today we reliably know that no religion can exist without magic because without it the religion could not exist nor could it be accepted by the people. The things that fascinated and inspired man for ages and ever since his origin, are the miracles and supernatural phenomena before which he recedes and prostrates himself. If we look at the stories of the three messengers of God Mosses, Jesus and Mohammed we will notice magical or miraculous legends. In the case of Mosses the division of the ocean is nothing else but a copy of the much older Egyptian myth in which one of the pharaoh's wizards splits a lake into two before the spellbound people. Satan's temptation of Jesus in the desert is a classical description of an ancient wizard who evokes and communicates with demons. Muhammad's banishment of the devil also points to a similar myth.

Arabian magic 

The whole system of Arabian magic is founded on the age old beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Persia which were developed in details and they encompassed magical sciences like astrology, numerology, spiritualism, necromancy and the like. A conformation of this claim is easy to be found reading various perscriptions from Arabic magic books. In bewitching a husband to be bound, Sihr is left in the oven over night. An oven for bread was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar who ruled over love, fertility and motherhood. Also her metal was copper, a frequent material for production of talismans. In another medicine for love in the list of the names of the Jinn that are being called upon, the name Shamash is mentioned, the ancient god of the sun, etc. It would be interesting to mention the symbol of the pentagram or the five sided star probably the most famous symbol of the Arabic occult tradition, which represented the god Anubis in the ancient Egypt. Besides this, the use of vefk's (magical square) began on the territory of today's Syria. From all of the above it is easy to conclude that magic has never been absent from mans conscience and that the methods and techniques that were used 7000 years ago still exist today, comprehended in a more assimilated, modern way.

Two ways to get knowledge about magic

From ancient times, magical knowledge was acquired in two ways- through books and through an oral tradition. The first way can be called elite, because obtaining knowledge that way was available only to a handful of chosen people who were acquainted with the mystical arts through teachings about using mysterious forces embodied in the names Allah, magical alphabet and vekf's. Traditional transmission of magical knowledge to family members was the most frequent way of initiating into the supernatural. This way can be considered as better, and more useful than the previous one because the knowledge and experience that is gathered over generations is a measurable source of wisdom and power unlike obscure texts and formulas from ancient authors that are protected.

Another important factor that vindicates the above mentioned, is the acquisition of the necessary permit for spiritual work from a teacher-forerunner which is after all one of the key elements for occult work.

How does Sihr work?

Today when occultism and clairvoyance are experiencing their renaissance, various untrue stories and misinformations are being spread about magic. The lowest form of magic- sorcery is being hit the hardest. Even though serious spiritualists avoid this form because it represents succumbing to low passions and impulses, it is the main reason for the bad reputation of occultism. At the very beginning it is important to say that we are talking about manipulation of the uninformed masses who are fed lies through newspapers and shallow books about something that might be called "house magic" where an unhappy wife needs to give her husband three drops of menstrual blood in his coffee or to touch him with spellbound honey and a miracle will take place. Those are notorious absurdities that are of no use and they should be considered as fairy tales and romantic prescription that were made up by old ladies while they were knitting socks.

If we consider this logically, any person that has made a blood transfusion would be incurably in love with the donor because as these prescriptions claim, the person that drinks a couple of drops of blood from your pinky will be madly in love with you. If magic (sorcery) was that easy wouldn't it be logical then that everyone would use sihr's on one another, and they wouldn't do anything else? Because it wouldn't be necessary.

Real magic only works in the hands of an experienced individual who is familiar with the first law of magic, namely: in the world of magic nothing comes for free, everything has a price. In other words this would mean that for every service that we expect we need to do a counter service. To whom? To spiritual beings (Jinn) who are the backbone of magic. Without their help no magic has an effect. According to spiritual laws a magi or a magician can influence another person through his Jinn if he manages to find out his name, namely, every man has his copy in the spiritual world (Karin) that directly influences him through his subconscious. If the magi succeeds to dominate the human copy in the spiritual world then he has control over that man. Of course, there are a lot of different ways to influence another person through magic but they are all based on the contact with the spiritual beings.

Besides this every initiate into the Arabian occultism knows that a large number of magical operations are subject to astrology. Namely, every successful magical operation has in its own basis a positive astrological influence which is shown through some of the planets in the astrological clock or the zodiac sign. In accordance with that, for all magical influences a culprit can be found in the position of certain planets. By this we mean Saturn, Pluto and Neptune whose influence is the strongest when he is in the 8th house a symbol of the magical and the occult. Of course the positions of other planets are also important in determining magical influences. Red or love magic can be easily traced by following the position of Venus, whose influence can be seen through Fridays and its astrological clocks because most love rituals are based on them.

There are many ways in which humans can return favors to ghosts, namely; to pray to them, reading verses from the Quran, doing some religious practices for the Jinn (if we are talking about Jinn believers), doing dishonest things (if we are talking about Jinn that are atheist), there were cases that a male Jinn or a female Jinn which is in contact with the magi wishes the magi as his intimate partner and (supernatural) intimate contacts take place, sometimes they go so far to have a supernatural marriage and such.

How this communication between the Jinn and the Magi look like is best illustrated by this Turkish description of the ceremony of magic. When some girl is not returning affection to some boy who has been in love with her for a long time, feelings of love obsession are developed in him which prompt him to seek help from some powerful magician.

The whole process of sorcery is done in several parts and the first one is of course the classical "looking into the stars" to discover all the similarities between the male and the female on the basis of personal data. The practical part of the ritual begins on Friday, after the nightly prayers, when the magi goes to the house of the boy and sits next to the fire place. Holding in his hand salt and speaking some Jinn spells or azamet he throws it into the fire. As soon as the salt starts cracking the magi pronounces the names of the boy and the girl, than he speaks "Bismillah" and spits into the fire.

Pronouncing spells with the salt is only the introduction into the serious part of the ritual, namely, after reading a verse from the Quran, he takes seven candles and places them in different spots around the fire place and in the end he lights them. That way creating ideal conditions for his occult work, he starts calling forth the Jinn pronouncing the verse Jinn. In a very short time the Jinn start arriving in the room, sitting around the lit candles waiting for the magi's orders.

The magi knows that he cannot hurry with his orders, therefore he draws seven triangles around the fire place and in everyone of them he writes a magical word "Hu". He repeats seven times the azimet walking around the house, blowing after every repetition. As soon as he stops next to a candle the magi loudly calls out the girls name continuing with the words "Ya eyyuhelervah" blowing to his left and right side.

With this he indicates the last part of his ritual when the orders are given to the Jinn and where he follows the events that he has set in motion with his magical operations. Before that he puts out one candle uttering the following words in Arabic: "You Jinn, bring me the soul of this candle, the girl is asleep." And then he puts out the rest of the candles.

The above mentioned ritual is repeated seven nights in a row. On the last night the magi writes the name of the girl on the boy's chest with a dark ink, giving a warning that no one can see that. By the magi's instruction the boy has to encircle the girl's house three times, three nights in a row while the magi tracks the condition of the Jinn that is in charge of the task. Seven days after the above described is done, the souls of the boy and the girl will be united and she will start to love the boy, for whom she never had any feelings. 

srijeda, 2. lipnja 2021.

Islamske mudrosti o vodi i zdravom životu

 Hazreti Ali (Alija) za života je prakticirao pijenje kišnice pošto ona pročišćava tijelo i liječi od svih bolesti. Također, islamsko je pravilo da se ujutro voda pije dok stojite, a noću je pijte dok sjedite. Islam takođe podučava da se voda ispija polako i u malim gutljajima. Započnite sa Bismillom, a završite sa Elhamdulillah. Resulullah s.a.w. uvijek je rano ujutro pio vodu pomiješanu sa medom.

utorak, 1. lipnja 2021.

Istihara da se dozna identitet sihirbaza

 Za razliku od ostalih duhovnih radnji za praktikovanje istihare ne postoji određeno vrijeme. Ona se može obaviti u bilo kojem trenutku koji nam odgovara. Neki ljudi imaju pogrešnu predodžbu da se istihara može klanjati samo noću ili nakon jacije namaza. Međutim to nije tako. Istihara se može učiniti kada mi to želimo. Jedini uslov je da se uradi uz punu koncentraciju tako da od Allaha možemo dobiti prave smjernice.

Da se otkrije sihirbaz odnosno njegov identitet treba prije spavanja proučiti 11 puta salavat na božjeg Poslanika, zatim 9 puta Nur dovu a onda opet 11 puta salavat. Potom se kaže:" Allahu, molim te, pokaži mi lice osobe koja mi radi sihir ili koja zapošljava druge da to rade kako bi mi naudila."

Onda se ide leći spavati sa koncentracijom misli na otkrivanje identiteta crnomagijaša. U roku od tri dana pojaviće se odgovor a ako ne bude uspjeha u ta tri dana onda istiharu nastaviti do 11 dana. Znači, ukoliko istihara ne uspije od prvog puta potrebno ju je ponavljati uzastopno 11 dana i pokazaće svoj rezultat. Istihara je puno učinkovitija kada se obavlja u samoći i u zasebnoj sobi. 

Da se zaustavi sihirbaz, vračara ili crnomagijaš

 Ako želite uništiti džine koji vam donose sihire (magiju) onda poslije svakog namaz ponovite 5 ili 7 puta suru Džinn. Nakon što ponovite navedeni broj puta suru treba reći ovo:" O kralju džina! U ime Allaha i njegovog poslanika Muhammeda ljubazno mi pomozi. Molim te da ubiješ sve zle džine koji mi sa sihirima pokušavaju nauditi, kojeg god da su plemena. Molim te da zaposliš nekoliko džinna da imaju dužnost da čuvaju mene i članove moje familije, tako da oni mogu ubiti zle džine koji pokušavaju da nas napadnu."

Ako svi članovi vaše familije nakon namaza traže isto sihirbaz će se u kratko vrijeme šokirati vidjevši koliki je broj njegovih džina ubijen. To će ga uplašiti i zaustaviće svoje čaranje i slanje džinna da vas napadaju.