A new pen should be spread for action or a new pen should be given that has not been written with before. Some people do this by keeping a separate pen for good deeds and a separate one for bad deeds.

The method of sharpening the pen is to first and last recite Darood Sharif three times, then recite "I acknowledge the most generous one who taught by the pen" five times and sharpen the pen. If the deeds are for goodness and love, sharpen the pen facing towards yourself, and if the deeds are for anger, sharpen it facing away from yourself. Do not place the pen on the ground until the design is complete. When making the pen, say with your tongue, "O Helper, fulfill my need," and when the pen is made, first write the following command on the nail of your index finger or the palm of your hand.
If the moon is in the fire sign, write:
If the moon is in the air sign, write:
يو من كيتض
If the moon is in the water sign, write:
خرمن فشظ
If the moon is in the earth sign, write:
وحل برحيم
The reality is that whatever is written with this pen will manifest clearly, and whatever is stated will be accepted quickly. 
-2- Ink. For ink, keep in mind that there are two types of ink for talismans. One is red and the other is black; red color is obtained from saffron and is beneficial for good deeds. Black ink is suitable for serious matters.

3 - Paper is chosen based on color, and these colors are derived from the planets. White paper is for good deeds, and golden paper for bad deeds; for acts of wrath, red dirty and mixed color paper is used, whether this paper is on one side. Electric paper is white.

- Fabric - The fabric in which it is wrapped corresponds to the color of the planet, and if it is wrapped in the clothes worn by the seeker and the sought, or in the case of enmity, it is appropriate.

Incense - The incense of this star is burned according to the operation being performed at that hour. Incense attracts spiritual beings, and the environment becomes conducive to this type or pattern.

Operation Ishraq  

The knowledge of letters and the effects of numbers contain hidden treasures. The science of numbers and letters is very ancient; they possess such characteristics that cannot be described. Only the chosen ones of God can estimate these powers. The eye of insight sees everything behind the veil. However, those who step into this field and work hard will see the benefits manifesting before their eyes when they write. And Allah is the bestower of success.  
It is the natural weakness of human beings that they have very little patience and gratitude. Therefore, Islam has shown its servants two paths for seeking assistance: patience and prayer. Patience is given precedence over prayer, and along with that, Allah has further promised His servants that He is with those who are patient. Yet, humans remain restless. In such cases, they are given talismans to attain peace, which is a commendable act and benefits people without weakening their faith.  
The one who writes the talisman should be committed to the five daily prayers, follow the principles of Sharia and Tariqat, and have correct beliefs, which doubles the effect of the talisman.  
Types of talismans: Talismans are of two types: natural and artificial.

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